Jukebox Server

(click to enlarge)
Party! The “Bits” Arrive

[UPDATE – After you’ve read this, jump to our updated JukeBox MkII article]

Old Timer – since ripping and centralising all our DVDs and CDs a few years ago our “Jukebox” server had grown and grown and was in need of replacement. With 5 years of digital photographs taking up 10s of gigabytes alone and ripped DVDs taking anywhere from 3gig to 9gig each!, no matter how much disk space you have it never seems quite enough.

The donated ancient motherboard and RAM that I had received three years ago had performed well. despite being a lowly Pentium pro 200 with 128meg, it had coped admirably with serving multiple PCs, Xboxes and other IP clients. however the drive bay configuration in the old AT rackmount case (that had been “modified” with a hacksaw to allow the ATX board to be fitted) meant there was no room left to add any more hard disks, and keeping the drives that were already in there amazing was becoming a major issue too.

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The “Old Timer” Retires

NASty – In my hunt for a replacement I considered buying the Buffalo Terastation NAS (network attached storage) device. This gives you 1 terabyte of drive space in a small, quiet, stand alone box for under £700. A nice option, but more than I wanted to spend. I also have plenty of large drives to re-use out of the old Jukebox, as well as some smaller 120gig and 160gig drives that I wanted to utilise too.

Hardware – After getting some input from the guys on our Mailing list and IRC channel I finally settled on the Compucase S411 4U rack mount case from xcase.co.uk. There are many better, stunning rackmount cases out there with caddies included etc, but they are way beyond my budget. This case costs under £90 and allows me to fit 6 drives in caddies all accessible from the front of the machine, with space for at least another 6 drives internally if required. Be warned this is a full depth case and requires a large rack to accommodate it. It also weighs 23Kilos with the 8 drives fitted.

I chose an EPIA motherboard with the via M10000 (1Ghz) Nehemiah CPU. This tiny little main board is a big improvement in terms of speed on the previous via machines I’ve owned (500Mhz and 800Mhz). Although it only has one PCI slot (it can take a dual riser in the appropriate case) it already features pretty much everything you need on-board – 10/100 LAN, USB2, Firewire, Graphics, Sound. The PCI slot is used for the promise TX2 IDE controller card I was already using in the old Jukebox machine.

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Some of the Caddies in Place

This card along with the 2 IDE channels included on the motherboard allowed me to connect up 8 IDE devices. To reach the full potential of 12 drives in this case, you would need to replace the IDE controller card with a more expensive one with more channels. You could also change the IDE controller for a SATA one if you are buying new drives. one of the biggest advantages of this setup is the running costs. The EPIA board is a miser when it comes to electricity usage when compared to most modern boards/CPUs. In a server running 24/7 that has to be a consideration.

I had some old IDE caddies spare which I used for this project. using caddies has several advantages:-

It’s very simple to remove and replace drives

The fan in each caddy helps keep the drives cool

There’s no need for rails to mount the 3.5″ HDs in the 5.25″ bays

I fitted the 5 drives out of my old jukebox, plus 3 more spares I had lying around from previous upgrades. So the finally tally is 400gig x 1, 300gig x 3, 160gig x 2, 120gig x 2 giving a total of 1.86 terabytes

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Spot the tiny EPIA via Motherboard!

Although the fold up case front does just close with the caddies in place I decided to remove it for convenience – it’s really so I can see all the Flashing Lights!

OS – rather than take up a bay with a CD-ROM drive I just hung one out of the case temporarily to install the OS and then disconnected it when done. I chose to stick with Windows XP pro as the OS, despite protestations from my “mates” on the IRC channel. I need to run a couple of other apps on my jukebox that run under windows

and whilst I could probably have found Linux alternatives, I’m still pretty much a Linux virgin and so have stuck to what I know. I need good control of the rights for the jukebox data. I want my 4-year-old to be able to access media from his PC, but not delete it! Anyway, here are a couple of interesting NAS specific OS’s which the more sandal wearing amongst you may like to try NASlite – open Filer .

The 8 Drives in device Manager
IDE Drives on the promise Card appear as “SCSI”

I haven’t employed any kind of raid in this new setup. Experience here seems to differ quite a bit, but I seem to have heard more horror stories of people losing data with raid than saving it. problems with cheaper raid devices that are usually used in a home servers typically mean you lose the daTA na všetkých vašich jednotkách, nielen pre problémy s problémami. Zálohujem „dáta“ v noci na iný počítač v stojane (tj dokumenty, digitálne fotografie atď.), Ale „médiá“ nie sú vôbec zálohované. Vlastním originály CD a DVD, takže ich vrátenie na server nie je problémom, s výnimkou nepríjemností a časového faktora. Neexistuje žiadny praktický a nákladovo efektívny spôsob zálohovania takého veľkého množstva údajov, ktoré som našiel.

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Nový jukebox v stojane!

Problémy-Pri niektorých veľmi nevedeckých testovaniach pomocou malého kusu papiera je zrejmé, že fanúšikovia pred niektorými z mojich caddies sú na posledných nohách. V súčasnosti vyšetrujem náhradné caddies a tento Vantec MRK-102FD vyzerá iba úlohou. Aj keď to pre mňa nie je problém, pretože môj uzol nula je malá oblasť z našej garáže, táto škatuľka znie trochu ako vzlietnutie prúdového stíhača. Vďaka týmto mužom a fanúšikom nebudete chcieť tento prípad v skrinke pod vašimi schodmi.

Záver – Ako sa hovorí, existuje veľa spôsobov, ako skin mačku, takže toto nastavenie je pre mňa vhodné. Keby som už nemal jednotky, možno by som prešiel na terastáciu. Alebo by som išiel na rovnaké nastavenie, ale s novými jednotkami SATA namiesto Pata. Môj prepínač má dva gigabitové porty, takže by bolo pekné, keby to podporilo aj zabudovaný Ethernet na základnej doske, aj keď v nehnuteľnosti nemám žiadne problémy s viacerými klientmi súčasne nad 100MEG LAN. Nakoniec je ťažké poraziť flexibilitu tohto nastavenia. Je ľahké nahradiť jednotky, ktoré sú k dispozícii väčšie a lacnejšie. Dokonca aj zmena celej veci na SATA nie je ťažké vyžadovať zmenu karty PCI a caddies. Teraz sa valte do nasledujúcich rokov 800gig diskov za 200 GBP

[AKTUALIZÁCIA – Po prečítaní tohto článku preskočte do nášho aktualizovaného článku Jukebox MKII]

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Zoznam komponentov
(Približné ceny – vrátane DPH)

Compucase S411 Rackmount 1 x 86,50 GBP

Hiper HPU-4S 425WATT 1 x 35 GBP

Via Epia M10000 Nehemiah Mainboard1 x 96 GBP

Kingston 512 MB PC2100 266MHz DDR DIMM 1 x 48,50 GBP

Promise TX2 Ultra IDE Controller 1 x 21,50 GBP

Káble okrúhle IDE 4 x 3,80 GBP


Celkom – 326,70 GBP (plus jednotky a OS)

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